i wrote last week that i found a house, right? wrong at approximately 5 pm last friday the real estate agent called us and said that we cannot move in anymore. allegedly the city council sent her a letter saying that the property has to be used in a commercially. well, we called the city council and their told us this should not be a big issue. all we had to do or let's say the owner of the property has to apply a development proposal to change the standard into a residential one.
but the dodgy thing was on the same day i transferred the bond money of 2400 AUD and picked up the keys we get the notice. the whole last week we were negotiating and talking to so many institutions such as the fair trade union to know whats going on. everything was just sooooo disappointing, we even bought color to paint the walls on thursday. the agent was not a good help on the contrary she actually tried to kick us out of the contract as fast as possible. she was obviously annoyed by us because we didn't just accept it. she underestimated us and probably thought we are going to leave immediatly without questioning the issue. well, very wrong lady. but to come to an end, we already looking for another places because it is useless to waste anymore energy on that. we will definitely make a complain and already told the tenant union what happened to us. it is just a pity because we imagined everything. we bought color, rented out the car spaces, i already found someone for my old room and so on.
it is the real estate agents fu**ing responsibility to care and to prevent those things. the worse is that we just had to give in but we will try to get a compensation for all our costs. and yeah everything all over again!!!!that just sucks...seriously.
my little unborn baby brother did still not pop out to our world. my fathers girlfriend was supposed to give birth yesterday. we'll see it will happen soon. i already bought a present for him. it's a teddy bear a very stylish one. it looks like the Mr.Bean teddy bear.
well thats all, i am tired now and a little bit tipsy too hehe.
Auf wiedersehen!