Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am sick and I hate it!

You guys maybe know this kind of feeling not to be able to leave the bed because you're too weak. I already missed two courses at uni and couldn 't go to work neither. I hate to be sick. I feel like that picture...


Peter Podcast said...


Shushu said...

slow down...aileen...
everythin's gonna be fine...

Stephanie said...

Aileen, I saw you today and knew you were better, that's good, cos things are turning to be better, so all the thing you can do, is have enough rest-sleeping~~~

Hitomi said...

Are you alright now?
That picture is so funny.
By the way, do you know the due date of assignment1 (COMM319) moved to week6?
I forgot to tell you today.
Take care~